Who We Are
Providence Baptist Church is a congregation of Christians who have united together for worship, for growing together in our Christian life, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a world in need of salvation in Christ.
We are seeking to live out the beauty of God's glory in our lives, our homes, our church, and our community. We desire to desire God more than anything else in our lives.
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." — John Piper
If we must be labeled, the easiest one to stick on is that we are a Reformed Baptist Church. What does that mean? Jim Savastio, the pastor of a great church in Louisville, Kentucky, has written an excellent article called What is a Reformed Baptist Church? that brings a lot of light to the question.
Our History
We came together in January 2001 to talk about forming a new church, and began shortly thereafter. While some of us knew each other for a decade or more, many new friends were also made as folks started coming to join with us. The warm and deep fellowship of our members testifies to the strong bond of unity that defines us.
We have always hoped God would bless our church through helping us to found it on the truth of His Word. In building a church, we do not look to the world for blueprints.
Have we done everything perfect? Absolutely not. However, the best position for a church to be in is one of continual dependence upon God to show us through His Word where we need to repent and reform our ways.
Our People
One of the striking characteristics of our church is the number of godly men who love the Lord and are committed to serving the church. In a culture where men find a million things to do other than love the Lord, their families, and the church, we are joyful that God has raised up men who go against the flow of the culture.
And the Christian ladies of the church? They are women of character who love the Lord, the Scriptures, and the church. When special needs arise, the ladies work faster than you can blink to help organize ministry of love. They love each other as sisters, and help each other grow in their daily walk.